Friday, May 7, 2010

Steroids Interview

I interviewed Terry Jones, who played in the Major Leagues from 1996-2001. He played his rookie year for the Colorado Rockies, and then played the rest of his career for the Montreal Expos. He says he suspected of some of his teammates doing steroids, but never actually saw anyone inject themselves. I asked him if he thought doing steroids was right, and his answer was, “No. If you can’t do it naturally, don’t do it at all.” He thinks that the main reason players take steroids are because of the pressure they feel to produce. Every player wants that big contract, and they feel that steroids can help them get it. However, he does think that players who hold MLB records that have been caught doing steroids should be able to still claim that record. “We all make mistakes. There are players now that haven’t got caught and will go down as some of the best players of all time” said Terry. But the answer he gave me to the question, “Could players still break records without steroids?” caught me off guard the most. He says, “Yes. If you get in shape and work hard, the sky is the limit.”
Terry was a great guy to listen to. I could’ve sat and listened to him talk for hours if I had the time. Terry got me thinking that a baseball player can do anything that he sets his mind to if he works hard. Terry believes that if a person can’t play naturally, then don’t play at all. I think that is a good way to put it. If you love and respect the game of baseball, then you will play it to the best of your ability by working hard and playing with your natural body. After talking with Terry for a little while, I will always remember, “If you get in shape and work hard, the sky is the limit.” There is no need for steroids.

Terry’s number is 205-706-9045

Jake Fagan. Interview with Terry Jones. Trussville. 3 May. 2010.

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