Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Mcgwire Interview

This video was taken the day after Mark Mcgwire admitted to using steroids during his baseball career. In the video, he says he thinks that steroids didn't help his home run totals. He says that they kept him healthy through the time where his body was breaking down. He says that he has been a home run hitter ever since he was a little kid. He worked hard every day to learn how to hit long home runs. So in the long run, Mcgwire claims that the main reason he took steroids was because they helped keep his body healthy.

I think Mcgwire is being honest when he claims that he took steroids the keep from getting injured. Mark always was a home run hitter; even when he didn't take steroids. In college, he led the nation in home runs. In his rookie season in the major leagues, he hit forty-nine home runs, which led the league. During these times, he didn't take steroids. Most players obviously take steroids to get stronger and hit more home runs, but maybe a few of the steroid users did take them to help stay injury free.


Mark Mcgwire admits steroid use, inspires us to finally come clean, too. By ESPN. ESPN 2010. 13 April 2010.

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