Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Ramirez Suspended

At the start of the 2009 Major League Baseball season, Manny Ramirez, a member of the five hundred home run club, got suspended for fifty games during the regular season. He tested positive for a female fertility drug that steroid users use to restore testosterone production to normal levels. Getting suspended forced him to give up $7.7 million of $25 million dollar salary. "He gave me a medication, not a steroid, which he thought was OK to give me," Manny said. Most users that get caught won’t admit it like Manny does here. Manny is another one of the great players in the game to get caught using steroids to enhance his performance.
I think that Manny would have been a great player all along without using steroids in the first place. Any player that has hit five hundred home runs obviously has a natural ability to hit the baseball hard. But now that Manny has tested positive, people will always call him a cheater, which is a shame because of how good of a player he really is. Manny will not be the last great player to test positive. I think there are many more to come.

Hernandez, Dylan. "Manny Ramirez suspended 50 games for positive drug test." 8 May 2009: 1-3. Web. 20 Apr 2010. .

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