Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Dr. Goodman thinks that steroids should be allowed in sports. He says, "I don't care if they're juiced. I want to see the best performances from the best athletes, and if they accomplish this through some chemical experimentation, no problem!" He wants to see the most excitement possible out of the players, and if steroids are the answer, then he thinks they should be allowed. During the 1998 baseball season, when Mark Mcgwire and Sammy Sosa were both chasing Roger Maris's home run record, the fans got the best performances out of those two players possible. A decade down the road, Mcgwire admitted to using them, and Sosa was tested positive.

Dr. Goodman has a good point about getting the best performances out of players. Steroids obviously make players have better performances, but if no one took steroids, all players would be equal. Sure, the players may not hit as many home runs, but the game will never lose its excitement. No player has hit seventy home runs since Barry Bonds did in 2001. The game has been just as exciting since then.

Goodman, Gary. "Steroids Should be Allowed in Pro Sports." 26 March 2006: 1. Web. 13 Apr 2010. .

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