Friday, April 2, 2010

Mitchell Report

In the 2007-2008 Major League Baseball season, George J. Mitchell released a report containing all of the the players that had used steroids. There was a total of eighy-nine players on the list. Mitchell talked to people talked to the steroid dealers, and managed to get the names of the players. The list included players from all thirty major league teams. Most players denied using the drug, but if that player ever tests positive for using steroids, he will be fined and suspended.

Mitchell recommended that the players do not get punished, but Commissioner, Bud Selig, said that he would look over each individual player's case and decided then. Mitchell did a great job finding reliable sources who could help him figure out which players took steroids. Players such as Mark Mcgwire, Sammy Sosa, and Rafael Palimero have testified before congress about whether they used steroids or not, and all declined. Later, Sosa and Palimero tested positive, and Mcgwire admitted to using them.

Wilson, Duff. "Steroid Report Cites ‘Collective Failure’." 14 December 2007: 1-2. Web. 4 Apr 2010. .

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